Parts works
  • اسم المؤلف Tom Holmes - Lauri Holmes
  • الناشر winged Heart Press
  • التصنيف Counseling, Psychology & Psychiatry
  • كود الاستعارة 96/1

An Illustrated Guide to Your Inner Life

Introduction ……………………………………………. 1

Chapter 1 : Introduction to Parts Work …………………………….5
`` There is a part of me … ``

Chapter 2 : Self in the Internal System ………………………….17
`` Can we sit in the center and Know ? ``

Chapter 3 : How Parts Develop in your Internal System …………31
`` Parts is Parts ``

Chapter 4 : How Parts Interact with Each Other …………………..47
`` Then another Part of me says ``

Chapter 5 : Getting the Parts in Balance ………………………….57
`` This part means well but it is working way too hard ``

Chapter 6 : Parts and Relationships …………………………………75
`` You always … you never … ``

Chapter 7 : Distracters and Firefighters ……………………………..89
`` Holding off the exiles. ``

Chapter 8 : Spirituality and Inner Work ……………………………103
`` Window to your soul ``

Afterword …………………………………………………………….125